Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day O' Britney!

Not only did Britney's awesome new cd come out today, but her concert tickets for Salt Lake City (yes, she is coming to my home town) went on pre-sale this morning. I thought I was screwed when I tried to buy two and kept getting an error message saying I had to have a "password" for the pre-sale.

"Password??? What do you mean I need a Password??? I didn't see anything online about a password!!! Where the hell is the Password?!?"

Luckily, her tour information was up and running this morning on her website and three minutes after tickets went on sale I was able to find that coveted password. Long story short! I am in Section 3 of the Lower Bowl and so excited I could scream!!! The concert is two days before I leave for my Mexico trip so I am sure I will still be beaming on the flight!

To quote my friend Melanie after an exuberant night of partying...
"This is the greatest day of my life!!!"

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Wow, I wish that I could be having the same reaction to the greatest Britney day of all time...but someone I know DID NOT BUY ME A TICKET...

But, I am sure that the Britney concert will not even be close to the fun that I had on that very special night...