Yesterday I taught my very first lesson in this Elementary Teacher career I've been workin' towards. It was on Adjectives/Superlatives and I helped with some Halloween poetry ideas. Overall I must say the lesson went really well. The kids had fun, I had fun, the assignment got across to at least 80% of the class, and I learned a lot about teaching 3rd graders. The one flub I had was when my mentor teacher asked me to use the overhead projector to get my point across, but being that I was an overhead projector virgin, I had NO idea what I was doing. It took a third grader to show me how to turn the machine on, and an entire class of third grader's to barade my overhead skills in order for me to get the technique down correctly. Who knew something as simple as an O.P. (overhead projector) would be so difficult?
Afterwards, I went to class and proceeded to tell one of my professors about the wonderful teaching job I did on my first lesson. I was super proud and enthused to finally have one under my belt. My confidence was raised and I was excited to brag about how well it went, how much fun I had, and how I couldn't wait to teach the next one. The professor, however, proceeded to say, "That's good. I'm sure that will help you to decide if teaching is something you really want to do."
Of course it is something I really want to do! Why else would I spend hours upon hours of my life sitting through classes, reading chapters of books, writing response after response, killing myself trying to make a full-time work and full-time school (I'm technically a part-time student, but with teaching the hours really add up) schedule coincide, willingly give up television, free-time, and social events, let my house cleaning and cooking skills go to pot, and surround myself with children who are the most brutally honest and terrifying human beings on earth??? What do you mean, "IF TEACHING IS SOMETHING YOU REALLY WANT TO DO!?" Damn Straight it's something I want to do, and I'm determined to be good at it!
In all actuality I didn't truly take offense to what my professor had said, she didn't mean it the way it came out, she was proud of me and the fact that my lesson went over well. However, it did make me wonder what all my professors say about me when they have their meetings and discuss who is excelling and who is annoying in the program? Hmmmmmm?
I'm sure I'm excelling. I mean, c'mon, I'm good at this. My first lesson killed! I think I'm gonna like teaching after all.