Thursday, June 26, 2008

Looking Forward To, Loved, Sick Of...

This has been one hectic summer already. There is so much to look forward to, so much I have already done and loved, and so much that I am sick of. I thought I would make a little list of my Summer Treats and Summer Stinks:

Loved So Far...

"Sex and the City" I'm still talking about it
"Kung Fu Panda" this is a must see
"Priceless" Audrey Tautou is gorgeous
Reading Cooking Lite
Brunch w/Friends outside on patios
The new "Monet to Picaso" exhibit at UMFA
Swimming at Melanie's G-ma's pool

Looking Forward to...

Madonna in November
The big Feist/Birthday/Celebration Weekend
The Farmer's Market
Wall E
The Art's Festival
Swimming at Melanie's G-ma's pool
School Ending
Starting my Methods Courses in September
July Birthdays (there is a TON!)
Camping in Bear Lake
The Fourth of July
MAW Rubber Ducky Derby

Things I Hate...

Math Homework
Class Twice a Week
Power 90
Sweaty Pits

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

First Lady

Last night Casey was unanimously elected to be our condo association's Treasurer. I guess that makes me the first lady of the Treasurer? I am sure you are all concerned about the time I will be spending pursuing this new role in my life, which is to serve the common man, to bring political comfort to the people, and to better America, but I want you all to know that I will remain the same Brandon I have always been. This new political position has not, and will not go to my head. I will still make time for all my friends and family.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Patterns Schmatterns

I began my new math class yesterday and all I can say is I have ZERO motivation so far. This is my "finals" week in the other two classes I have, and not only do I have a paper due in each, but I have 25-30 pages of reading every night on top of that. So-o to go to a math class and find out she wants us to do 22 pages of reading, two homework assignments, and a paper on our math experiences by the next time we meet, makes me want to shoot myself! If only I can make it through this week! Please, please, please let me make it through this week!

On the brighter side...

This math class seems really interesting. It is all about learning how to teach math to students. I am a little worried that it will take a lot of math skill, which I don't have, but hopefully I will be able to pick it up. I haven't had to think about math in over 7 years? Holy cow! It's been that long! Oh Crap!

I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My New Fashion Icon

I love Ellen Degeneres, but before TiVo, I rarely had the opportunity to watch her show. Post TiVo I have found that Ellen has a fantastic sense of fashion, that is, for a boy. Please don't get me wrong, I am not making fun of Ellen in any way, shape, or form, but c'mon. Ellen dresses just like me. Now, with that said, there is a certain femininity about the way she dresses, but there is that same femininity in my clothing. Sometimes she pairs a little ruffle with a suit jacket, which only under the right circumstances would I ever do, but sometimes she throws that female aspect completely out the window and dresses like a guy.  I've attached photos of what I am talking about so that you can see where my inspiration is coming from. Plus, who can't help but love how funny Ellen is? 

"I’m a godmother, that’s a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that’s cute, I taught her that."- Ellen

Friday, June 13, 2008

The 13th

Heads up today to all those Paraskevidekatriaphobics out there.

"Paraskevidekatriaphobics — people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th."

Coffee + Crisp White Polo = Catastrophe

Why is it that when you feel super confidant and you think you look great and you are wearing your new crisp white polo, that your bottom lip becomes a non-functional piece of skin & allows you to leak coffee down the front of your shirt? Shit, Damn, Hell!

Is this the kind of lame stuff I'm supposed to blog about???? Just curious.

Testing the Waters...

Recently I have been inspired by numerous people to start my own blog. I've done the MySpace, I've done the Facebook (hate it by the way), and now I am doing the Blogspot. I am testing the waters to see how this goes. So far, I have enjoyed the process. Thank you Sara for the creative blog name, you "kill" me with your quick wit. I can't wait to sign up for your "Become a Blogging Expert" class that I am sure you will be teaching in your bedroom on Saturday mornings while Tex plays with a ball in a nearby room. Thank you Mel for the blogging encouragement, I wouldn't have had the guts to do this if it wasn't for you. Thank you others for the inspiration to finally fulfill my dream of becoming an internationally recognized blogger. This is my new goal in life. Let the games begin.