It is 8:21 on Saturday morning and I am at work. I've been here for two hours already. How did this happen to me? True, I'm typing a blog instead of actually working, but still, I'm at work nevertheless, on a Saturday... Working... Saturday..............
This is ridiculous!
Anywho...I am sitting at my desk putting in my mandatory 5.5 hours and I am completely overwhelmed by the constant list running in my head of all the things I need to improve upon in my life. This list consists of tasks that I have either never been able to accomplish in my time on this earth, or things I used to be quite proud of and have slacked on over the years.
Task #1- Save money.
This is a simple task for most people, people who realize the importance of retirement, and having a large savings account in order to fall back upon in times of hardship. For me however, saving money has always been a struggle. There are just too many clothes, nights of fun to be had with friends, or vacations to be taken. My case in point...we are planning a trip in November to see Madonna, then in December it is Christmas, which I usually spend way too much on, and following Christmas in January is a planned cruise to the Mexican Riviera. So, I have to save my money in order to be able to afford all of these exciting trips and holidays that I will inevitably be spending all of my savings on. It's a vicious cycle people.
Task #2- Get my ace in shape.
With said cruise, one needs to have a nice cruise body, and that is my latest goal in life. This cruise is my current motivation to get my butt on that treadmill, to eat healthier, to get back the body I am comfortable with, and to be able to parade myself around the lito deck in a speedo. Not that I would EVER wear a speedo in public, but having the confidence to be able to is my new goal.
Task #3- Stop being such a Douche.
I'm a bitch. It's true. No one would argue with this fact. I talk shit, I'm rude, I dislike most new people I meet, and I have a hard time staying positive. But I have decided that I need to stop all that nonsense. It is becoming important to me to be aware of the negativity I possess and to become a better person. Someone who is less judgemental, kinder, and more open to new people and new experiences.
Task #4- Get that freckle checked out.
Not really a whole lot of explanation needed. I have an appointment on Wednesday.
Task #5- Focus on School.
When I first started my Grad program I was completely gun hoe and ready to learn everything there was to know about becoming a teacher. Now that I have been in the program for a few months the focus is waning a little. It's not that I've lost any interest in becoming a teacher, or in learning, but I think it is the fact that I really don't like having just one class that cuts into the middle of my day and I have to drive to twice a week. I am sure that once I start up again in September the focus will return (this is me being more positive people) but until then, I need get my shiz together and make the best outta the class that I got.
Task #6- Work on friendships.
I have the best friends any guy could ever ask for. But that fact that I have quite a diverse set of friends makes it hard to spend as much time as I would like to with all of them. I am trying to find a way to build upon my friendships and reconnect with everyone who is important in my life.
Task #7- Be a better boyfriend.
Having someone love you unconditionally, outside of family members, is the greatest gift a person can receive. When you find that person who loves you for you, it is your responsibility to do everything you can to make them happy, to treat them with respect, and to shower them with kindness at all times. I give my partner a lot of shit, I take him for granted, and sometimes I don't treat him the kindest. But I love you, and if you are reading this I think that you are the BEST! I WILL do better.
Well, those are the changes I am working on in my life right now. If you have made it this far in reading my random thoughts you are probably asking yourself, "What the hell does this have to do with me and why do I read this blog crap?"
My answer to that is...Maybe you are someone who has too much free time on your hands and perhaps you should make a list of your own of things to improve upon. I.E. find some new hobbies so that you are not wasting your time reading about how screwed up Brandon's life is?
Really though, this list is for myself. If I write it all down then it is easier to work at accomplishing these goals. I appreciate the fact that you care enough to read my randomness, and if you have any helpful suggestions for me I am all ears.
AND NOW...back to work...on a Saturday.