Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Get It Together...

Current Goals:

1. Become a swimmer-I got the goggles and nose plug and I actually swam for 20 minutes today. Go me!

2. Save money-I can't spend any money on myself until my trip to Las Vegas in August.

3. Floss and brush-I do this already, don't think I'm disgusting. I just need to work on the proper technique so my dentist will stop yelling at me.

4. Branch out musically-Thanks to a "mellow" night in St. George I realized that I need some new stuff on my ipod. Anyone with fantastic artists/songs send them my way.

5. Meditate-I had decided a long time ago I was going to try to meditate for one week solid. At the time I never made it come to fruition. Perhaps it is time to give it another shot?

6. Read more-With the start of book club this goal is well on its way to getting accomplished.

7. Drink 64 ounces of water at least 5 days a week: I definitely don’t drink enough water on a regular basis, and given there are so many health benefits, this will help me get back on the healthy rehydration train.

8. Get out more-What's happening out there that is cool and different?

9. Stop caring what people think-I don't want to be so paranoid anymore. I feel like it causes lots of anxiety and unneeded worry. STOP ALREADY.

10. Attain more tranquility in my life-With the accomplishment of said goals above this one will happen.

Out of curiosity I was reading about ways to obtain personal goals and I came across an interesting article. It is a list of "The World's Most Popular Goals." Check it out here.

Goals or a "Bucket List?" I'm not really sure.

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